D. Ashraf al-Shehhi, head of the University of Zagazig in Malaysia within the visit of the Egyptian delegation universities

At the conclusion of his visit to Malaysia within the Egyptian delegation to the Egyptian universities, Dr. Ashraf al-Shehhi, head of Zagazig University, said that during the visit, three meetings have been held with a group of agents and private companies to send Malaysian students to Egypt.

He d. Chihi that the meetings were successful by all standards, with which display the current status of Malaysian students in Egypt and evaluate the experience and correct its course by facilitating a number of obstacles and problems. It was also agreed to increase the number of students and expand the study to include the areas of civil engineering, dentistry and pharmacy sectors is expected to boom in the number of students from Malaysia, Indonesia and Bonay happen.

And it will conclude the visit, a meeting held in the evening of the tenth day Monday 18/05/2015 and after the delegation returns to Cairo on Tuesday.

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