The decision of the Supreme Council of Universities to approve the amendment of item (8) of Article (5) of the Rules of Procedure of the College of Computing and Information at the University of Zagaz

The Supreme Council of Universities approve the amendment to item (8) of Article (5) of the Rules of Procedure of the College of Computing and Information at the University of Zagazig (undergraduate) to read as follows

"Students are assigned transferred to the Third Division in the presence of a summer internship during the summer vacation for a month, at least within the college as the cost of students transferred to the division final in the presence of a train during the summer vacation for a month in at least one of the parties relating to their competence to undertake scientific departments concerned and the approval of the Board select the college system and the training content and training places and the system of distribution of students and follow-up system that the students are assessed verbally at the end of the training period is not granted graduation certificate only for students who have completed the practical training successfully "

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